Corvetto 1954


Eleonora Roaro, “Corvetto 1954”
Single-channel video | 2’43’’
1920×1080 HD 16:9
Edition 3 + AP | 2022

The video “Corvetto 1954” invokes the memory and transformations of the Corvetto neighborhood (Milano) through the use of found footage taken from the documentary “Milano vive,” originally produced by Mario Milani in 1954 on behalf of the municipal administration of that era. This black and white promotional film portrays the new urban development and schools during the years of the economic boom. The sequences chosen by the artist – repeated, enlarged, and decelerated – primarily focus on the construction efforts undertaken by INA-Casa, involving the creation of new public housing complexes in the Corvetto area. More broadly, the video focuses on the urban planning transformations that have fundamentally altered the appearance and lifestyle of an area which was rural peripheral just a few years prior.