Art as Care | IPERCUBO, online collection


23 July – 27 September 2024
curated by Gabriela Galati

Art as Care brings together five artists whose work involves a dimension of care. In this context, care is understood as attention and responsibility towards others. It draws on the concept of vulnerability as an ethical pointer and the call to be open to the vulnerability of others as a way to become-with, and try to think-with the Other (and not just about it). This online collection shows different ways in which care can be understood and embedded in some artistic practices:

Care of other living beings in the case of Ivana Adaime Makac, and Tiziana Pers; recovering suppressed memory as care, in Silvia Bigi’s Are You Nobody, Too?; giving as care, in the case of Iwata Wataru’s cellular automata piece; and care of the environment, in Eleonora Roaro’s work.

See the collection here: